Luis Iram Hermosillo Garay

Submission Date/Time March 9, 2024 at 4:27 pm
Cycle March 1
First Name Luis Iram
Last Name Hermosillo Garay
Address 1306 S Wyandot st
Denver, Colorado 80223
Phone 720-377-4730
Ethnicity Latino
Date of Birth December 4, 2005
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 18
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 850
Father/Guardian Name Dead
Mother/Guardian Name Gabriela Garay Cárdenas
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income 30000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis Every weekend I go to practice with my cousin Carlos, when I first started I didn’t even know how to hold the racket but thanks to the DTP classes I improved and I will continue like this, apart from a sport it amuses me and teaches me to live with more people.
Name of primary coach Charles Griffin
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Playing tennis is important for me because not only do I exercise to improve my health, but I live with more people and make friends, it also helps me be a better person by being responsible, honest, kind, etc. It helps me distract myself and have time for myself.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

With the money they give me I am going to buy what I need to play tennis, rackets, special shoes, balls, sports clothing and tuition.

Item Raquets, balls, clothes, shoes and tuition
Amount of Funds 850
Total Funds 850
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature Gabriela Garay


Lily Bunting

Submission Date/Time March 25, 2024 at 4:52 am
Cycle March 1
First Name Lily
Last Name Bunting
Address 4730 S Meade Street
Denver, Colorado 80123
Phone 720-771-3128
Ethnicity Caucasian, Latino, Native American
Date of Birth June 7, 2008
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 15
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1000
Father/Guardian Name William Bunting
Mother/Guardian Name Veronica Salazar
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 1
Annual family gross income 17000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis Player at my high school, like to do summer camp for tennis
Name of primary coach Littleton High School
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

tennis player can’t win every match, doing well on the court boosts self-esteem and gives your child the confidence to play against increasingly harder opponents. And even when a game doesn’t go their way, the endorphins produced by playing tennis lowers their tension, anger, and depression. Time on the tennis court will account for many of their happiest childhood memories.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

Learning all the fundamentals of tennis is imperative to play my best
at tennis.

Item Training
Amount of Funds 1000
Total Funds 1000
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Ariah Terry

Submission Date/Time July 30, 2024 at 1:26 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Ariah
Last Name Terry
Address 3200 w colfax ave #411
Denver, Colorado 80204
Phone 407-744-3996
Ethnicity African American, Latino
Date of Birth September 29, 2015
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 8
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1600
Father/Guardian Name John Terry
Mother/Guardian Name Jovanna Terry
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income 55000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis Very Invovled
Name of primary coach Ryan at DTC
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Ariah loves tennis and the fundamental skills it provides. She has been involved with DTP for a year now.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

Equipment to help improve skills

Item Shoes, Racket, Tennis Ball Machine
Amount of Funds 200, 200, 1200
Total Funds 1600
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Emily Vega

Submission Date/Time July 31, 2024 at 11:11 am
Cycle September 1
First Name Emily
Last Name Vega
Address 711 s taft st
Lakewood, Colorado 80228
Phone 720-331-3177
Ethnicity Latino
Date of Birth July 15, 2016
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 7
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 950
Father/Guardian Name Obed ali vega
Mother/Guardian Name Nelly johanna munoz
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income 42000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis She practicing 3 times a week in dpt also at home we will starting practicing in the park close to home
Name of primary coach Lorena in dpt
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

She love it started to be active and happy also meeting new friends and having a healthy lifestyle in sports be new skills and why not if she still working and improving be one team

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

Getting everything she needs like the clothes
Racquet, balls , shoes , hats also good supplements like vitamins for a healthy growing thanks

Item Racquets and balls, Shoes trying to get 2 pairs, Special tennis clothing, Supplements
Amount of Funds 100, 300, 300, 250
Total Funds 950
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Ella Reyes

Submission Date/Time July 31, 2024 at 9:59 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Ella
Last Name Reyes
Address 7500 Broadway
Denver, Colorado 80221
Phone 720-539-0687
Ethnicity Latino
Date of Birth February 3, 2014
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 10
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1000
Father/Guardian Name Ibrahim Reyes
Mother/Guardian Name Andreína Gonzalez
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 1
Annual family gross income 42000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis I love tennis, I met tennis in Norway where I practice it for 3 years in Nordstrand Tennis Club, after that we moved back to our country and I kept practicing it and now I’m here playing at DTP where I’ve been granted a scholarship.
Name of primary coach Magda Apodaca
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Tennis helps me making new friends and improve my skills in team working, I like challenges and tennis challenges me every time by demanding me to stay focused, improve my old techniques and learn new ones. I love it.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

I would use it in equipment such as racquets, shoes and clothes.

Item Racquet, Shoes, Clothes and accessories
Amount of Funds 50, 200, 750
Total Funds 1000
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Jayden havlat

Submission Date/Time August 1, 2024 at 2:45 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Jayden
Last Name havlat
Address 606 south meade street
denver, Colorado 80219
Phone 303-934-2004
Ethnicity Asian, Caucasian
Date of Birth March 13, 2015
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 9
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 600
Father/Guardian Name michael havlat
Mother/Guardian Name sridivya vunnamatla
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 3
Annual family gross income 65000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? Yes
Please explain the assistance

DTP programming scholarship

Tell us about your involvement in tennis playing regular tennis lessons and serves and matchplay
Name of primary coach coach Louis and coach Juan cedano
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

My children loves playing tennis and they enjoy playing tennis . Its a sport that
is competitive which builds their character like being humble win or loose. Their aim is to be a best tennis player

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

This grant money will be used to pay for classes and sessions that starts this august which will be 360$ for one child Jayden Havlat and 240$ for another child Elijah Havlat and to buy any sports gear [tennis] needed for them.

Item orange ball
Amount of Funds 360
Total Funds 360
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature Jayden .H
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Elijah havlat

Submission Date/Time August 1, 2024 at 2:53 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Elijah
Last Name havlat
Address 606 S. Meade St
Denver, Colorado 80219
Phone 303-250-3380
Ethnicity Asian, Caucasian
Date of Birth November 17, 2017
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 6
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 240
Father/Guardian Name michael havlat
Mother/Guardian Name sridivya vunnamatla
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 3
Annual family gross income 65000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? Yes
Please explain the assistance

DTP programming scholarship

Tell us about your involvement in tennis playing regular tennis lessons and serves and matchplay
Name of primary coach coach Mike and coach Louis
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

he loves playing tennis .I believe its a competitive sport which builds character , being humble , won or lost.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

this grant will be used to pay toward classes and session which start in August till July 2025 and any addition tennis gear needed

Item red ball instructional programs
Amount of Funds 240
Total Funds 240
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature elijah Havlat
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature sridivya vunnamatla


Jayden Havlat

Submission Date/Time August 1, 2024 at 3:02 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Jayden
Last Name Havlat
Address 606 S. Meade St
Denver, Colorado 80219
Phone 303-250-3380
Ethnicity Asian, Caucasian
Date of Birth March 6, 2015
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 9
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 360
Father/Guardian Name michael havlat
Mother/Guardian Name sridivya vunnamatla
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 3
Annual family gross income 65000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? Yes
Please explain the assistance

DTP programming scholarship

Tell us about your involvement in tennis playing regular tennis lessons and serves and matchplay
Name of primary coach coach LOUIS
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Jayden loves and enjoys playing tennis. It is a sport that is competitive which builds character being humble win or loose. Aims to be a best champion.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

this grant will be used to pay for the classes and sessions which begins from August to July 2025 and to buy additional tennis gear if needed .

Item orange ball
Amount of Funds 360
Total Funds 360
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature Jayden.h
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature sridivya vunnamatla


Peyton Nguyen

Submission Date/Time August 6, 2024 at 2:10 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Peyton
Last Name Nguyen
Address 16090 E 53rd Ave Unit 7
Denver, Colorado 80239
Phone 303-590-5765
Ethnicity Asian
Date of Birth July 23, 2013
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 10
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1000
Father/Guardian Name n/a
Mother/Guardian Name Vivian Chan
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 3
Annual family gross income 80000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? Yes
Please explain the assistance

medicaid, upswing foundation scholarship

Tell us about your involvement in tennis have done 2 sessions at DTP
Name of primary coach n/a
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

learn and develop athletic skills, discipline, get off electronics/get out of house, be involved

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

class fees, equipment, transportation

Item fall program tuition, winter program, shoes, gas
Amount of Funds 288, 288, 120, 160
Total Funds 856
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


August Molina

Submission Date/Time August 6, 2024 at 2:14 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name August
Last Name Molina
Address 16090 E 53rd Ave Unit 7
Denver, Colorado 80239
Phone 303-590-5765
Ethnicity Asian
Date of Birth August 24, 2018
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 5
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 900
Father/Guardian Name n/a
Mother/Guardian Name Vivian Chan
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 3
Annual family gross income 80000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? Yes
Please explain the assistance

medicaid, DTP tuition assistance

Tell us about your involvement in tennis 2 sessions at DTP
Name of primary coach n/a
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

child development, getting out of the house, would not be able to afford otherwise

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

class fees, equipment, transportation, shoes

Item fall tuition, winter tuition, shoes, racket, transportation
Amount of Funds 192, 192, 100, 80, 160
Total Funds 724
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Alex Molina

Submission Date/Time August 6, 2024 at 2:19 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Alex
Last Name Molina
Address 16090 E 53rd Ave
Denver, Colorado 80239
Phone 303-590-5765
Ethnicity Asian
Date of Birth September 30, 2019
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 4
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 396
Father/Guardian Name n/a
Mother/Guardian Name Vivian Chan
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 3
Annual family gross income 80000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis n/a
Name of primary coach n/a
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

would like to get him involved in sports, have something in common with older brother and sister, child development

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

class tuition, shoes

Item class tuition, shoes
Amount of Funds 192, 100
Total Funds 292
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Jose Federico Bass-Flores

Submission Date/Time August 9, 2024 at 10:55 am
Cycle September 1
First Name Jose Federico
Last Name Bass-Flores
Address 7571 South Ivanhoe Way
Centennial, Colorado 80112
Phone 720-427-8554
Ethnicity Latino
Date of Birth January 12, 2011
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 13
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1080
Father/Guardian Name Federico Bass
Mother/Guardian Name Marcela Flores
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income 64,776
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis Academy 1 High Performance
Name of primary coach Alec Angradi
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

I love the game. For me tennis is the best sport and playing is the best part of my days. It teaches me how to be disciplined and mentally strong. Also, how to deal with losses and celebrate my victories. It has helped me develop character since I have to be strong enough to defend my points and fair to acknowledge when the other players have been better. Today, I feel empowered and more certain about my quality as a player. I have to thank my coaches and parents for that.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

To cover part of the cost of attending Academy 1 lessons

Item Tennis Academy 3 Monthly Fees
Amount of Funds 1080
Total Funds 1080
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature Federico Bass
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature Marcela Flores


Advait Jadhav

Submission Date/Time August 11, 2024 at 3:49 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Advait
Last Name Jadhav
Address 4311 Horse Gulch Loop
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80924
Phone 707-408-4477
Ethnicity Asian
Date of Birth December 27, 2010
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 13
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1000
Father/Guardian Name Sujit Jadhav
Mother/Guardian Name Vidya Jadhav
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income 95000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis I play tennis regularly. I practice regularly at public parks and local clubs. I play USTAtournaments. I am training regularly to improve my tennis skills.
Name of primary coach Eric Rivera
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

I love playing tennis and I just love the game. Over the years I have developed passion for the game watching and playing tennis. As I have improved my skills over last few years, the game has become more exciting for me. At the same time, I still have lot to learn. Also, it has kept me athletic and imbibed in me some good diet and exercise habits. It also keeps me in positive frame of mind for other activities in my life.I just love tennis and can’t be without it.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

I am working hard to improve my tennis skills. I would use the scholarship to take training at Junior programs at local clubs. These are high performance group lessons. I would also like to take selective personal coaching classes to improve certain flaws in my game. I would also be playing in USTA tournaments. Having said the sport is costly one when it comes to training and this scholarship will benefit me immensely to pursue my Tennis journey. Thanking the committee for listening to me and considering my application.

Item Sept to Feb Lifetime Tennis Club – Tennis practice and Lessons, Group and private Lessons at various Clubs, Tennis Tournaments
Amount of Funds 1074, 1000, 500
Total Funds 2574
File Upload,
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature Advait
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature Sujit Jadhav


Amber Merola

Submission Date/Time August 13, 2024 at 12:41 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Amber
Last Name Merola
Address 14070 Rock Daisy TRL
Parker, Colorado 80134
Phone 720-737-6957
Ethnicity White
Date of Birth February 23, 2016
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 8
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 900
Father/Guardian Name Nikolay Merola
Mother/Guardian Name Tatiana Merola
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income 90000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis 30 hrs per week
Name of primary coach Anastasia Zherdeva
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Because of a lot of factors. Tournaments, health, fun, friendships.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

For private lessons

Item Private lessons
Amount of Funds 900
Total Funds 900
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Preston Gautreaux

Submission Date/Time August 14, 2024 at 2:31 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Preston
Last Name Gautreaux
Address 427 Parkview Drive
Parkview Drive
Steamboat Springs, Colorado 80487
Phone 970-871-1371
Ethnicity Caucasian
Date of Birth November 9, 2010
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 13
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1000
Father/Guardian Name Eric J Gautreaux
Mother/Guardian Name Christine Gautreaux
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income 70,000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis Camps, Lessons, ROGY, tournaments, volunteer
Name of primary coach Bill Conway & Jason Scicchitano
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Tennis teaches me life long skills, perseverance, manners, patience, kindness, motivation, etc.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

I would use (if granted) the scholarship money for tournament play, private lessons, camps, drills/skills and appareal.

Item Youth Tennis
Amount of Funds 1000
Total Funds 1000
File Upload,
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Gregory Richardson

Submission Date/Time August 15, 2024 at 12:26 am
Cycle September 1
First Name Gregory
Last Name Richardson
Address 3781 South Eaton Street
Denver, Colorado 80235
Phone 303-974-0034
Ethnicity African American
Date of Birth April 22, 2012
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 12
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 850
Father/Guardian Name Gregory Richardson
Mother/Guardian Name Christina Santino
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income 230000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis Compete in 8 more tournaments in a year, Participate in JTT in the summer and fall for Lakewood Park Tennis Center, Active in the tennis program at Colorado Academy, Private lessons with coaches at Lakewood Park Tennis Center and Ken Caryl, Active in drill classes at Ken Caryl
Name of primary coach Gregory Richardson
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Since the age of 7 playing tennis has given me a community of friends that I would have never had. Playing in tournaments, playing jtt with my friends and practicing with my friends makes playing tennis enjoyable. Overall, tennis brings me a since of joy and freedom.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

The scholarship dollars would put towards Liliana enrollement into the Rafal Nadal Camp that took place at PineHurst Country Club. They are set to do the camp again in May but it will require paying for the camp early in 2025. If for some reason the camp is cancelled the finding would go towards some additional private coaching.

Item Rafal Nadal Camp / Additional Private Coaching
Amount of Funds 850
Total Funds 850
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Carlos iram Verdugo Ramirez

Submission Date/Time August 19, 2024 at 7:45 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Carlos iram
Last Name Verdugo Ramirez
Address 5030 w park pl
Denver, Colorado 80219
Phone 720-377-4730
Ethnicity Native American
Date of Birth September 12, 2009
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 14
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1000
Father/Guardian Name Iram Verdugo
Mother/Guardian Name Marisa Ramirez
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 3
Annual family gross income 35000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis Carlos really enjoys playing tennis, little by little he has created a passion and he learns the love for a sport. Currently he has attended two tournaments that help him to be better every time
Name of primary coach Sonia at DTP
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Definitely for Carlos it was a total adventure, he really enjoyed doing his own shopping, it was very fun for him to be able to do his own shopping. It is the first scholarship that Carlos receives so we decided that he would be totally responsible and independent, this helped him to be more responsible, he always took great care of his money, he always tried to look for the days that the stores had sales and he was very careful in what he bought, he learned to be a manager of his finances, he was really very happy with this, really thank you very much for it What did they do for my son!!

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

We planning spent the scholarship on get some clothes shoes pay some tournament

Item Tournaments shows clothes
Amount of Funds 1000
Total Funds 1000
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Luciano Martinez

Submission Date/Time August 24, 2024 at 7:54 am
Cycle September 1
First Name Luciano
Last Name Martinez
Address 1001 E 62nd Ave
Unit 1223
Denver, Colorado 80216
Phone 303-916-4606
Ethnicity Caucasian, Latino
Date of Birth February 11, 2014
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 10
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1000
Father/Guardian Name N/A
Mother/Guardian Name Zsanae Martinez
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 4
Annual family gross income 11,316
Do children receive assistance from other sources? Yes
Please explain the assistance

Tuition assistance for school because of my disability due to multiple sclerosis

Tell us about your involvement in tennis Very involved
Name of primary coach Tobias Ortegon
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Tennis is important to our family because I love the fundamentals, coordination, tactical thinking, health benefits and everything that it teaches my children.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

To help my son continue to be active and continue to play the sport he loves

Item Junior Strokes at LTP, New tennis shoes, New racket, Tennis winter-GREEN BALL CLASS
Amount of Funds 180, 120, 100, 332
Total Funds 732
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Viviana Torres

Submission Date/Time August 24, 2024 at 8:36 am
Cycle September 1
First Name Viviana
Last Name Torres
Address 1364 S Vallejo St
Denver, Colorado 80223
Phone 303-324-2622
Ethnicity Latino
Date of Birth November 3, 2016
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 7
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 700
Father/Guardian Name Germán Garzón
Mother/Guardian Name Viviana torres
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income 22000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis Mi hijo quiere aprender este deporte
Name of primary coach No aolica
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Mi hijo tiene 7 años y ha tomado gran amor por el tenis y quiere practicarlo

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

Pago de implementos pago de matrícula

Item Raqueta, Tenis, Uniforme, Implementos
Amount of Funds 40, 60, 100, 100
Total Funds 300
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Prosperity Cheeseboro-Sloan

Submission Date/Time August 24, 2024 at 9:32 am
Cycle September 1
First Name Prosperity
Last Name Cheeseboro-Sloan
Address 14313 e 1st drive
Aurora, Colorado 80011
Phone 720-980-0113
Ethnicity African American, Caucasian
Date of Birth December 31, 2014
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 9
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 4000
Father/Guardian Name Johnny Cheeseboro – Sloan
Mother/Guardian Name Carol Cheeseboro – Sloan
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income 50000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis Prosperity has enjoyed being involved with tennis for going on 3 years now. We attend serves as well as classes at dtp weekly
Name of primary coach Prosperity enjoyed playing with coach cannon and coach Lindsay
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

I love the matches and love the confidence it brings for me in other parts of my life. It keeps me active and moving around I love playing tennis

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

I want to start ternaments which take more money than I have. I want to travel and bring Prosperity to all though my love for tennisl

Item Tennis shoes, Tennis racket, Travel expences for tournaments, Tennis playing clothes, Water bottle for just tennis, Gas to and from tennis
Amount of Funds 100, 75, 2000, 300, 75, 500
Total Funds 3050
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Lyric Newsome

Submission Date/Time August 24, 2024 at 7:40 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Lyric
Last Name Newsome
Black or African American, Colorado 80126
Phone 303-204-2080
Ethnicity African American
Date of Birth May 4, 2010
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 14
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 950
Father/Guardian Name Quentin Newsome
Mother/Guardian Name Metheia Newsome
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 1
Annual family gross income 2,232.00
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis lessons,tournaments
Name of primary coach Sam Kurucz
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

To have something positive to learn while meeting new friends, getting exercise and using life skills enrichment outside of school.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

tennis coaching
tennis lessons, drills
tennis tournaments,
memberships, socials

Item racquet
Amount of Funds 109.00
Total Funds 109
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Millinor Raichle

Submission Date/Time August 25, 2024 at 9:09 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Millinor
Last Name Raichle
Address 11642 Macon Street
Commerce City, Colorado 80640
Phone 303-835-2200
Ethnicity Caucasian
Date of Birth March 24, 2015
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 9
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1000
Father/Guardian Name Joe
Mother/Guardian Name Alison
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 1
Annual family gross income 90000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis High Performance Training & Tournaments
Name of primary coach Luke Snyder
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Playing tennis is super important to me because it makes me feel really happy and strong! When I’m on the court, I get to run around, hit the ball as hard as I can, and challenge myself to get better every day. It’s like a fun game where I can compete and make new friends who love tennis just as much as I do. Plus, it’s awesome to see my hard work pay off when I win matches or improve my skills. Tennis teaches me to never give up and always believe in myself, and that makes me feel really proud and excited for the future!

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

With this scholarship, I can get better tennis gear and take more lessons. I also would like to add more tournaments to my schedule. I can’t wait to improve my skills even more and compete in bigger tournaments.

Item Lessons, Equipment
Amount of Funds 800, 200
Total Funds 1000
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature Millinor Raichle
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature Alison Raichle


Daymon Vanlo

Submission Date/Time August 26, 2024 at 7:18 am
Cycle September 1
First Name Daymon
Last Name Vanlo
Address 8077 E. 53rd Drive
Denver, Iowa 80238
Phone 303-523-1985
Ethnicity Asian
Date of Birth February 28, 2013
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 11
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 400.00
Father/Guardian Name Grandy Vanlo
Mother/Guardian Name Hieu Phi
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 4
Annual family gross income $90,000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? Yes
Please explain the assistance

The kids have received assistance for school supplies, to have school fees waived and have accepted donations for school uniforms.

Tell us about your involvement in tennis Daymon did a summer tennis program through DPS and really enjoys the sport.
Name of primary coach Coach Roni
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

I find tennis to be a fun sport you can play outdoors. You can play singles or doubles. And it’s fun to play with your family or friends. And it would be nice to play with other students from school.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

To help pay for the after school tennis program so that I can participate in a sport with my fellow classmates.

Item Tennis lessons and materials
Amount of Funds 400.00
Total Funds 400
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Christopher Bogantes

Submission Date/Time August 26, 2024 at 2:56 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Christopher
Last Name Bogantes
Address 601 S Lincoln St Apt 304
Denver, Colorado 80209
Phone 720-329-8687
Ethnicity Latino
Date of Birth August 19, 2011
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 12
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1000.00
Father/Guardian Name Andres Bogantes
Mother/Guardian Name Edna Villegas
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income 84,000 aprox
Do children receive assistance from other sources? Yes
Please explain the assistance

Currently a partial scholarship for group lessons at the Denver Tennis Park.

Tell us about your involvement in tennis I have been playing tennis since I was 5 years old, I am currently 13. I started with lessons through Denver Parks and Recreation every summer, twice a week, every year, and Saturdays in the fall and spring. I would also play tennis with my dad whenever possible. Since last fall my involvement in tennis became more consistent, I’ve been able to play year round, up to 4 times a week, and this past summer I played almost every day, whether there were lessons, camps, match play, tournaments or just for fun with friends and family. I’ve had a great improvement since last fall, I’m currently enrolled in the intermediate middle school classes at the Denver Tennis Park. My goal is to keep training consistently and work as hard as I can this year so I can join a team next year in high school.
Name of primary coach I don’t have one
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Playing tennis is important to me because it is a great stress-reliever, it keeps me in shape, and it keeps me outside and off screens. I love playing tennis because is fun and competitive, and it challenges me both physically and mentally. I also hope to make my high school team, and hopefully, a college team. Tennis is also important to me because it has been passed down in my family as my grandfather, and father have played it competitively in the past.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

I would use CYTF scholarship dollars to gain access to equipment and lessons that I would benefit greatly from. For example, I need to upgrade my racquet size from a jr. 26” to a standard 27” racquet. I would also buy new grip tape, strings, a bag, and new shoes, as the soles of my current ones are worn out. For lessons, I would benefit from private lessons for the fall and winter, once a month, I never had privates before and at this point it would help me fix any bad habit that I have and help me improve overall with more attention to detail. I would also love to join another group lesson to keep practicing and learning new skills and techniques. This is my wishlist and I understand that probably not all can be covered at once, so I will give priority accordingly and any resources will be greatly appreciated and put to good use.

Item Babolat Pure Aero 2023, Yonex Pro Backpack Medium Bag, Solinco Wonder Tacky Tennis Over Grip 10 Color Assortment Jar 60 Pieces, Babolat RPM Rough 16/1.30 String, Babolat Propulse Fury 3 AC Dk Blue/Pk Men’s Shoes, ADV Tennis Dampener, Penn Championship Regular Duty Tennis Balls 6-Pack, Private tennis lessons at Denver Tennis Park or Gates Tennis Center, $75 per hour aprox, for the next 6 months
Amount of Funds 259.00, 40.00, 65.99, 18.95, 119.00, 20.95, 20.99, 450.00
Total Funds 994.88
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature Christopher Bogantes
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature Edna Villegas


Elliott Sherman

Submission Date/Time August 26, 2024 at 3:12 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Elliott
Last Name Sherman
Address 1352 Manitou Ave
Steamboat Springs, Colorado 80487
Phone 970-291-1344
Ethnicity Caucasian
Date of Birth January 9, 2015
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 9
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 750
Father/Guardian Name Lucas Sherman
Mother/Guardian Name Jennifer Sherman
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income 125000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis Elliott plays ROGY tennis (orange ball) and enters local tournaments.
Name of primary coach Jason Scicchitano
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

I like to be active with friends and watch my skills improve.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

I would use them to help pay for ROGY clinics at the Tennis Center in Steamboat, enter tournaments, help pay for court costs, as well as help my parents buy new tennis shoes for me.

Item ROGY clinics & tournaments
Amount of Funds 750.00
Total Funds 750
File Upload,
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Ari Apodaca

Submission Date/Time August 27, 2024 at 6:46 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Ari
Last Name Apodaca
Address 5909 Boston Street
Denver, Colorado 80238
Phone 303-999-7260
Ethnicity Latino
Date of Birth January 11, 2009
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 15
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1000.00
Father/Guardian Name Anthony Apodaca
Mother/Guardian Name Magda Apodaca
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income 150,000.00
Do children receive assistance from other sources? Yes
Please explain the assistance

Ari receives a partial scholarship from Denver Tennis Park to cover a portion of programming/class costs.

Tell us about your involvement in tennis Plays 6-7 days a week. Enrolled in classes 4 times a week, and the other days is practicing by myself or with my dad. ery day. Have classes 4 times a week and practices by himself or other kids the other days of the week. Playing in tournaments and matches.
Name of primary coach Mark Talhofer
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Tennis is very important to me and is part of my everyday life. It takes on different forms, such as having fun playing with my dad and brother, it makes me feel better after a tough day at school and forget about any stress that I have on my mind, it is great exercise and physical fitness, it keeps me learning new skills to challenge myself and it teaches me about using good judgement and being honest in the game. Playing singles is what I want to do and really hope to play in college. I have a lot to learn and want to continue to learn as much as I can.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

The funds would help pay for classes, individual lessons, tournaments, matches and equipment costs.

Item Programming/Tournaments & Matches, Equipment
Amount of Funds 700, 300
Total Funds 1000
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Elio Apodaca

Submission Date/Time August 27, 2024 at 9:19 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Elio
Last Name Apodaca
Address 5909 Boston Street
Denver, Colorado 80238
Phone 303-999-7260
Ethnicity Latino
Date of Birth November 6, 2010
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 13
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1000.00
Father/Guardian Name Anthony Apodaca
Mother/Guardian Name Magda Apodaca
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income 150,000.00
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis Play 4-5 times per week, taking classes, attend Serves and practice.
Name of primary coach Mark Talhofer
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

I have a lot of fun playing tennis and learning the game. I really like competition, learning to rely on myself and my goal is to get better so that I can play tennis with my brother in High School next year as a freshman. I also want to be able to play doubles with him in USTA tournaments and matches. And just maybe one day I can actually beat my brother.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

It will help pay for programming and individual lessons.

Item Progamming/Classes, Equipment
Amount of Funds 700, 300
Total Funds 1000
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Lucas Rodriguez

Submission Date/Time August 28, 2024 at 9:52 am
Cycle September 1
First Name Lucas
Last Name Rodriguez
Address 4023 W Kenyon Ave
Denver, Colorado 80236
Phone 303-356-5709
Ethnicity Latino
Date of Birth September 26, 2015
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 8
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 900
Father/Guardian Name Alan Rodriguez
Mother/Guardian Name Aura Cruz
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income 100000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis Was introduced to tennis at a younger age but we were not as consistent during COVID, his coach moved to Puerto Rico. Then we found the summer lessons with Denver Parks and Rec. and Lucas learned so much and enjoyed playing the sport a lot.
Name of primary coach No coach
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Hi, this is Lucas Rodriguez. Tennis is important to me because the following:

It means courage.
It means sportsmanship.
It means competition.
It means LOVE.

I learn a lot about myself playing tennis and become stronger in my heart and mind.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

The fund will be used to pay for classes. We live close to the Littleton Golf & Tennis facility. They have classes that run once per week for 3-4 weeks. The classes would run until the end of the year but some have filled up and some only have 1-2 openings. We would pay non-resident since we are not Littleton residents. We would also use the funds to sign up for tournaments and new tennis shoes.

If we are unable to sign up for the littleton Golf & Tennis we will look into the Denver Tennis Park but the Fall registration is over, we would sign up for the next season. These classes run $288 for 8 weeks only for one day per week.

Item JunnioR Tenni Rogy – Littleton Gold & Tennis, JunnioR Tenni Rogy – Littleton Gold & Tennis, JunnioR Tenni Rogy – Littleton Gold & Tennis, JunnioR Tenni Rogy – Littleton Gold & Tennis, JunnioR Tenni Rogy – Littleton Gold & Tennis, JunnioR Tenni Rogy – Littleton Gold & Tennis
Amount of Funds 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80
Total Funds 480
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature Lucas
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature Aura Cruz


Zachary Titus

Submission Date/Time August 28, 2024 at 10:18 am
Cycle September 1
First Name Zachary
Last Name Titus
Address 8734 E 48th Ave 103
Denver, Colorado 80238
Phone 720-534-9493
Ethnicity African American
Date of Birth April 8, 2013
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 11
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 400
Father/Guardian Name NA
Mother/Guardian Name Misty Williams
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income 65000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? Yes
Please explain the assistance

Summer program assistance for activities this past summer

Colorado SNAP program

Tell us about your involvement in tennis Son was able to watch his older sister take some lessons at Mcauliffe. Coach allowed him to jump in and participate at the end of the course. Quite excited to do so.
Name of primary coach Anne Ginnold
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Would like to provide knowledge of a “lifelong” sport to my son for better mental and physical health.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

For the Fall intro to tennis program – Steven Nash Tennis Academy at Mcauliffe.

Item Tennis Academy Sept 16 – Oct 11
Amount of Funds 400
Total Funds 400
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Esteban Fierro

Submission Date/Time August 29, 2024 at 4:42 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Esteban
Last Name Fierro
Address 5935 W Iliff Drive
Lakewood, CO, Colorado 80227
Phone 720-951-0431
Ethnicity Latino
Date of Birth December 17, 2014
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 9
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 650
Father/Guardian Name Miguel Fierro
Mother/Guardian Name Mirna Villalobos
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 1
Annual family gross income 55,000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? Yes
Please explain the assistance

DTP Scholarship

Tell us about your involvement in tennis Very Active
Name of primary coach Coach Mike at DTP
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

I would like to continue to further expand my tennis skills during this year.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

we will use it to pay for gas and shoes and sport equipment. We only apply for this scholarship once a year so these funds are for the whole 2024-2025 year. We have submitted the accountability report this past march. Thank you for your consideration.

Item Gas, Shoes, Tennis equipment
Amount of Funds 500, 75, 75
Total Funds 650
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature esteban fierro
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature miguel fierro


Alaya Poole-Perez

Submission Date/Time August 30, 2024 at 2:53 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Alaya
Last Name Poole-Perez
Address 3595 Eudora st
Denver, Colorado 80207
Phone 720-643-0620
Ethnicity African American, Puerto rican
Date of Birth January 12, 2013
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 11
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 400
Father/Guardian Name Charles Johnson
Mother/Guardian Name Ta’Jionna Poole-Johnson
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 5
Annual family gross income 45000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? Yes
Please explain the assistance

We have section 8 housing and the children have Medicaid

Tell us about your involvement in tennis None
Name of primary coach N/A
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

I would like to learn how to play tennis to keep my body active in hopes that I will love the sport.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

I would use the scholarship for the Afterschool Tennis at McAuliffe with the SNTA . I am exploring the sports world, but my parents don’t have enough money for us to participate in a lot of sports. I don’t want the financial part to stop me from tennis or any other sport. But for this afterschool program specifically I need to pay $400 and everything is included.

Item Scholarship for Afterschool Tennis at McAuliffe with the SNTA
Amount of Funds 400
Total Funds 400
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature Alaya Poole-Perez
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature Ta’Jionna Poole-Johnson


Gianna Maez

Submission Date/Time August 31, 2024 at 1:39 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Gianna
Last Name Maez
Address 2776 W College Ave
DENVER, Colorado 80219
Phone 720-447-4116
Ethnicity Latino, Native American
Date of Birth April 3, 2015
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 9
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 350
Father/Guardian Name Richard Maez
Mother/Guardian Name Derisa Maez
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 1
Annual family gross income 65,000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis Participant
Name of primary coach Sonia Schwartz
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Gianna states: Because tennis is really fun and helps me to learn overhand, back hand, under hand serving the ball and practicing my eye hand coordination and is one of my talents. I enjoy the games we play, staying active and social.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

I would get new equipment and apparel

Item clothing, shoes, equipment
Amount of Funds 350
Total Funds 350
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature Gianna Maez
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature Derisa Maez


Gabriel Alejandro Romero Rodriguez

Submission Date/Time August 31, 2024 at 9:58 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Gabriel Alejandro
Last Name Romero Rodriguez
Address 19705 E 39th Ave
Denver, Colorado 80249
Phone 172-096-5169
Ethnicity Latino
Date of Birth October 10, 2009
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 14
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1000
Father/Guardian Name He only lives with mom
Mother/Guardian Name Evelyn Rodriguez
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 1
Annual family gross income 28000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? Yes
Please explain the assistance

He does have a scholarship at Denver Tennis Park

Tell us about your involvement in tennis He is currently practicing Sundays and Mondays at Denver Tennis Park
Name of primary coach Mike Phillips
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Tennis is important for my son because he is more confident since he had started playing. Because it is a sport that I as a mother can play with him. Last year , he was already wondering in which college he would like to study so he can also keep playing tennis. He is currently part of the Varsity team as a doubles 4 but he would like to play singles so he need more help to keep growing . He is never tired for practices and he wish he can have a court at home so he can play more. One of his dreams is to become a professional tennis player .

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

This scholarship will help me to buy him:
Private lessons

Item 6 Tournaments, Shoes, 48 cans of tennis balls, 4 Private lessons
Amount of Funds 300, 180, 180, 340
Total Funds 1000
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Jasper Rodriquez

Submission Date/Time September 1, 2024 at 6:13 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Jasper
Last Name Rodriquez
Address 2351 South Vrain Street
Denver, Colorado 80219
Phone 720-862-8795
Ethnicity Latino
Date of Birth December 4, 2012
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 11
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1000
Father/Guardian Name David rodriquez
Mother/Guardian Name N/a
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 1
Annual family gross income 65000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis Jasper is currently on commitment plus program. He plays 4 times a week
Name of primary coach Coach Thoff and coach mike
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

I love tennis and i got to learn new things

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

I would . Use to pay for classes. New tennis shoes and equpment

Item David
Amount of Funds 1000
Total Funds 1000
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Simar Singh

Submission Date/Time September 1, 2024 at 10:47 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Simar
Last Name Singh
Address 9382 E Arbor Drive
Englewood, Colorado 80111
Phone 720-717-1053
Ethnicity Pacific Islander
Date of Birth March 2, 2009
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 15
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1000.00
Father/Guardian Name Indi Singh
Mother/Guardian Name Michelle Singh
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income Unknown. Unemployed so my income is $0. But I’m provided $50 per week for running the household i.e car gas, groceries etc
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis I’ve been consistently playing since beginning of summer 2023. I’ve played tennis 5-7 days a week over this summer (SERVES, summer league at DTP, matchplay)tournaments and tutoring. I’ve also teamed up with JV at high school.
Name of primary coach Coach Cannon
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Playing tennis has been the highlight of my year. I’ve loved practicing and improving with supportive peers and coaches who genuinely care about my success. Their encouragement motivates me to strive for excellence in every aspect of the game. Overall, I’m grateful for the personal growth, friendships, and life lessons tennis has given me, especially at a time when I needed an outlet. So, tennis is extremely important to me in so many aspects.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

Receiving tennis lessons has helped me improve my game strategy, technique and overall gameplay. My coaches at DTP noticed my improvements straightaway, after receiving lessons. I would like to use part of the scholarship funds to continue receiving tennis lessons to improve myself further, so I can make it to Varsity team at school, and continue to improve through my college years. My goal is to play for DU. My rackets have required repairs at DTP numerous times, so I’ll be using scholarship funds to get new ones, buy racket bags, visors, athletic clothing etc. I’ve won many medals over the summer for team tournament at DTP. I’d like to now start building my individual ranking and use scholarship funds to pay for USTA Tournament fees.

Item Tennis gear ( rackets, racket bags, visors) lessons, USTA Tournament fees etc And sports clothing if any funds remaining.
Amount of Funds 1000.00
Total Funds 1000
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Sahana Singh

Submission Date/Time September 1, 2024 at 10:55 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Sahana
Last Name Singh
Address 9382 E Arbor Drive
Englewood, Colorado 80111
Phone 720-717-1053
Ethnicity Pacific Islander
Date of Birth December 22, 2011
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 12
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1000.00
Father/Guardian Name Indi Singh
Mother/Guardian Name Michelle Singh
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income Unknown. Unemployed so my income is $0. But I’m provided $50 per week for running the household i.e car gas, groceries etc
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis I’ve been consistently playing since beginning of summer 2023. I’ve played tennis 5-7 days a week over this summer (SERVES, summer league at DTP, matchplay)tournaments and tutoring. I’ve also teamed up with JV at high school.
Name of primary coach Coach Mike
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

This has been my first year playing tennis at DTP where I have attended with my older sister. I have built relationships with peers, coaches, staff and other parents. Every one of these persons have shown us that it’s a place where we belong, and we couldn’t be happier. DTP is our place of peace. I hope we continue to build those relationships, whilst building my tennis skills, and become stronger physically and mentally as an athlete, and hopefully one day soon beat my sister in our tennis games. Tennis has improved my strength, skill and stamina. It has taught me to appreciate winning and losing, and to celebrate and encourage my peers.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

Keep my tennis gear updated when needed and continue to get coaching to improve my ranking, and use for USTA Tournament fees. And athletic clothing if any funds remaining.

Item Tennis gear ( rackets, racket bags, visors) lessons, USTA Tournament fees etc And sports clothing if any funds remaining.
Amount of Funds 1000.00
Total Funds 1000
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Victoria Cardenas

Submission Date/Time September 2, 2024 at 9:24 am
Cycle September 1
First Name Victoria
Last Name Cardenas
Address 711 South Taft Street
Lakewood, Colorado 80228
Phone 720-205-5624
Ethnicity Latino
Date of Birth March 27, 2013
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 11
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 900
Father/Guardian Name Francy Muñoz
Mother/Guardian Name Francy Muñoz
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 1
Annual family gross income 16000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis Victoria es una niña a quien le gusta participar activamente en sus clases de tenis y cada día quiere aprender más para llegar a jugar en campeonatos, sin embargo ella es consiente que hasta ahora está aprendiendo y que debe ser paciente si quiere alcanzar un excelente nivel.
Name of primary coach Tiene varios entrenadores
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Para mi es importante que mi hija juegue tenis, aparte que le gusta mucho, pues desarrolla sus habilidades físicas y refuerza su resistencia física y adicionalmente está aprendiendo valores y principios para su vida como joven dentro de la sociedad, tales como el respeto, la empatía, el apoyo, la confianza, la responsabilidad entre otros que va desarrollando a medida que va creciendo.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

En clases personalizadas de tenis
En vestuario
En artículos deportivos
En calzado

Item Clases personalizadas de tenis, Artículos deportivos, Vestuario y calzado
Amount of Funds 400, 200, 300
Total Funds 900
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature Victoria Cardenas
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature Francy Muñoz


Amanda Madden

Submission Date/Time September 3, 2024 at 10:10 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Amanda
Last Name Madden
Address 1121 Blake ave Glenwood springs Co 81601
Glenwood springs, Colorado 81601
Phone 970-379-7263
Ethnicity Caucasian
Date of Birth December 12, 2006
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 17
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 540
Father/Guardian Name Tim Madden
Mother/Guardian Name Courtney Madden
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 4
Annual family gross income $150000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis I play for the high school when there isn’t snow on the ground.
Name of primary coach Jon Zalinski
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

I started playing tennis my freshman year of high school, and actually played the first 3 months with a children’s racket by accident. Luckily, I figured it out, and ended up going to states with my doubles partner, Tess Goscha, who also just learned how to play. I have played singles every year after that, but my junior year I was not able to play in the regionals tournament because I was competing the national tournament for high school mock trial. This year, I left mock trial to focus on tennis, and cannot wait to lead the team as singles 1!

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

I want to purchase a new yonex racket and shoes, and would love to get a yonex tennis bag. I am also hoping to attend camps this year to better myself and prepare for college.

Item Yonex tennis bag, Yonex tennis racket, Yonex tennis shoes
Amount of Funds 120, 270, 150
Total Funds 540
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Malaika Chinyerere

Submission Date/Time September 7, 2024 at 6:53 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Malaika
Last Name Chinyerere
Address 13804 W. 21’st Ave
Golden, Colorado 80401
Phone 863-430-4995
Ethnicity African American
Date of Birth November 14, 2009
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 14
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1000
Father/Guardian Name Stanley Chinyerere
Mother/Guardian Name Collette Chinyerere
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income 74,000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? Yes
Please explain the assistance

Malaika receives assistance in the form of a DTP scholarship for tennis.

Tell us about your involvement in tennis Advanced Development
Name of primary coach Coach Mike Phillips
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Tennis is important to me because it has opened so many doors and new experiences for me. It has allowed me to travel more, go on long road trips with my family to tournaments where I have seen the countryside and experienced different cities. It has helped me to stay active, fit and healthy which is important in my life. Lastly, it has taught me to have integrity, patience and perseverance, while playing a sport I LOVE!

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

I would use the money to help my parents pay for tournaments, travel and training as I know it is very expensive to support my passion!

Item Travel, Training and Tournaments
Amount of Funds 1000
Total Funds 1000
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature Malaika Chinyerere
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature Collette Chinyerere


Thalia Wilkins

Submission Date/Time September 7, 2024 at 7:11 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Thalia
Last Name Wilkins
Address 1001 E. 62nd Ave
Denver, Colorado 80216
Phone 720-217-8800
Ethnicity African American, Latino
Date of Birth October 4, 2012
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 11
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1000
Father/Guardian Name Earl Wilkins, III
Mother/Guardian Name Gabriela Abril-Gonzalez
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 3
Annual family gross income 49,000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? Yes
Please explain the assistance


Tell us about your involvement in tennis Thalia plays tennis 5 days a week. She participates in 4 groups a week, 1 matchplay and currently 1 individual lesson a week. When Serves is available she also attends Serves.
Name of primary coach N/A
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Tennis is my favorite thing to do. I love the friends I have made and the skills I have learned. I especially love that I have been able to coach the younger kids at matchplay or Serves when the coaches say I can help.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

The scholarship dollars would go towards making sure that Thalia continues to get to participate in all aspects of tennis that she wants to participate in. Getting her to groups 5-6 days a week as well as making sure that she has snacks for those long days has been a blessing. She is constantly growing and making sure she has clothes and shoes that fit is essential.

Item Shoes, Clothes, Gas and food, Treats and rewards
Amount of Funds 150, 300, 350, 200
Total Funds 1000
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Cuatro Wilkins

Submission Date/Time September 7, 2024 at 7:18 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Cuatro
Last Name Wilkins
Address 1001 E. 62nd Ave
Denver, Colorado 80216
Phone 720-217-8800
Ethnicity African American, Latino
Date of Birth May 13, 2010
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 14
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1000
Father/Guardian Name Earl Wilkins, III
Mother/Guardian Name Gabriela Abril-Gonzalez
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 3
Annual family gross income $49,000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? Yes
Please explain the assistance


Tell us about your involvement in tennis Cuatro plays tennis 2-3 days a week. He goes to 1 group a week, 1 match play and will participate in Serves when it is at DTP
Name of primary coach N/A
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Tennis is helping me in learning how to play for myself. I am not able to depend on a team to get a win, I have to learn the skills so I can win for myself. I still hope to get better and better to play my sister again, but at this time I don’t think I am ready. I have been able to play in a tournament and my sister wants to play mixed doubles with me when a tournament becomes available.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

The money would go towards getting the kids to and from tennis, making sure they have food and snacks at the long tennis days and cross training to get me moving faster.

Item Cross training, Gas and snacks, Shoes and clothes
Amount of Funds 500, 300, 200
Total Funds 1000
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Sterling Wilkins

Submission Date/Time September 7, 2024 at 8:33 pm
Cycle September 1
First Name Sterling
Last Name Wilkins
Address 1001 E. 62nd Ave
Denver, Colorado 80216
Phone 720-217-8800
Ethnicity African American, Latino
Date of Birth September 22, 2015
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 8
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1000
Father/Guardian Name Earl Wilkins, III
Mother/Guardian Name Gabriela Abril-Gonzalez
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 3
Annual family gross income $49,000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? Yes
Please explain the assistance


Tell us about your involvement in tennis Sterling plays tennis 2-3 days a week. He goes to 1 group a week, 1 match play and will participate in Serves when it is at DTP
Name of primary coach N/A
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Tennis is fun for me. I like to compete. I am learning how to control my hits so that they stay on the court. I like that I make different friends. I have been moving up getting to play higher levels at DTP.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

The CYTF scholarships dollars would go towards getting the kids to and from tennis, making sure that Sterling has clothes and shoes that fit as he continues to grow and making sure they have snacks on the days they are at DTP for extended amounts of time.

Item Clothes and shoes, Transportation, Snacks, etc, Cross training, Treats and rewards
Amount of Funds 250, 350, 300, 100
Total Funds 1000
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Anthony Lott

Submission Date/Time October 9, 2024 at 8:47 pm
Cycle March 1
First Name Anthony
Last Name Lott
Address 4120 Sky Ranch Drive
Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601
Phone 970-618-3327
Ethnicity Caucasian
Date of Birth March 5, 2008
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 16
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 600
Father/Guardian Name Micheal Lott
Mother/Guardian Name Erin Martino
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 3
Annual family gross income 180,000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis I play doubles one on the boys tennis team in basalt (CO). This spring, I will be the team manager for the girls team (in Glenwood CO)
Name of primary coach Jon Zalinski
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

During the summers of middle school, my friends and I would attend tennis camps while our parents were busy at work. I hold fond memories of my friends and me hitting balls in the beaming summer sun. Many of our shots landed out of the court because of our terrible form. But every once in a while, a ball was hit exactly to the right spot. After these shots, I always felt a rush of extreme joy and excitement. But most of all, I felt accomplished. Ever since these middle school tennis camps, I have done my best to recreate this high and improve the frequency at which these shots are achieved. So far, I have played for the boys tennis team in Basalt during my entire high school career. As a freshman I played doubles three but as a sophomore and junior I played doubles one. This spring, I plan to become a team manager for the girls tennis team in Glenwood. Also, This past summer I worked as a tennis coach under Sue Geist to help preschoolers through 8th graders improve their tennis game. Honestly, I enjoy seeing younger kids getting better at this sport, because they will eventually represent my home while playing competitively. Therefore when they do play in high school, they can represent us as strong (respectfully). But overall, I continue practicing tennis because this sport gives me confidence. I’ve realized that my continuous efforts are paying off, and I’m experiencing the benefits of dedication.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

Firstly, I plan to buy a Saber Racket. These rackets are designed with a very small head which is intended to decrease the surface area used to hit. The whole purpose of this racket is to improve the accuracy of your swing by ball in the center of your racket. Ultimately, this racket forces you to improve hand and eye coordination, and the precision of your swing. As this racket is not ment for in-game usage, I intend to share it with both my team (Basalt) and the girls (Glenwood) team.

Secondly, I plan to buy a Yonex V-core 100 tennis racket. This racket, however, is ment for in-game performance. One of the reasons I chose this exact racket because I trust this brand. For example, my coach is sponsored by Yonex. As one of the best players I know, I trust his choice of racket over anyone else’s. As for the type of racket, I was recommended the V-core because I wanted to improve the amount of spin I put in the ball. I often find myself overpowering my swing resulting in the ball landing outside the court. But with the right amount of spin, I make the shots powerful and difficult to return.

Finally, I hope to pay for two lessons from my coach Jon Zalinski. He normally charges $120 per hour, but he only charges $100 for students. During these lessons, I want to improve my volleys and serves. While my serves are good, I would like to improve my speed (for my first serve) and spin (for my second serve). Next, I definitely need to improve my volley form and placement. I am tired of constantly returning the ball to my opponent and consequently losing the point. But overall, I am disappointed in myself because I am losing points for my doubles partner while I’m at the net. Truly, a large driving factor behind my efforts is the fact that I do not want to let my partner down. For that reason these lessons would be proof that I am putting in the extra work to insure a win.

Item Functional Tennis Saber, Yonex Vcore 100, Tennis Lessons
Amount of Funds 168, 275, 200
Total Funds 643
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Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Amber Merola

Submission Date/Time January 24, 2025 at 2:35 pm
Cycle March 1
First Name Amber
Last Name Merola
Address P.O. Box 651
Parker, Colorado 80134
Phone 720-737-6957
Ethnicity White
Date of Birth February 23, 2016
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 8
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 900
Father/Guardian Name Nikolay Merola
Mother/Guardian Name Tatiana Merola
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income 70000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis Private lessons/tournaments/match plays
Name of primary coach Anastasia Zherdeva
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Because it’s very active game with interesting rules.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

For tennis private lessons

Item Private lessons
Amount of Funds 900
Total Funds 900
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


Christopher Bogantes

Submission Date/Time February 5, 2025 at 9:59 pm
Cycle March 1
First Name Christopher
Last Name Bogantes
Address 601 S Lincoln St Apt 304
Denver, Colorado 80209
Phone 720-329-8687
Ethnicity Latino
Date of Birth August 19, 2011
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 13
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 954.00
Father/Guardian Name Andres Bogantes
Mother/Guardian Name Edna Villegas
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income 84,000 aprox
Do children receive assistance from other sources? Yes
Please explain the assistance

Partial discount scholarship at the Denver Tennis Park.

Tell us about your involvement in tennis I currently play at the Denver Tennis Park, I’m enrolled in the Middle School Intermediate Development Program and SERVES program. Recently I have been taking some private lessons. I also enjoy playing with family and friends.
Name of primary coach Not applicable
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Playing tennis is important to me because it’s a great exercise that helps me keeping my body and my mind healthy. It’s also a great opportunity to be a part of a team.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

I would use CYTF scholarship dollars to pay for some tennis programs throughout spring and summer, as well as some private tennis lessons and tournaments fees. My goal is to train as much as possible and to gain tournament experience to hopefully join my high school tennis team this fall. These programs are offered at the Denver Tennis Park, Intermediate Development, Team Summer League, and Tournament Team Training, it would required CYTF scholarship dollars in addition to my partial discount scholarship at the DTP to make them affordable for me. I would use any other funds available for tournaments fees and private lessons. As always any help would be greatly appreciate it and put to good use. Thank you.

Item Spring Session IV Middle School Intermediate Development Program. Full price $396. Scholarship price $99., Team Summer League 14 & Under. Full price $600. Scholarship price $150., Tournament Team Training. Full price $2100. Scholarship price $525., 4 Tournaments fees. $45-$50 each. Around $180.
Amount of Funds 99, 150, 525, 180
Total Funds 954
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature Christopher Bogantes
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature Edna Villegas


Zoe Zacharias

Submission Date/Time February 17, 2025 at 1:58 pm
Cycle March 1
First Name Zoe
Last Name Zacharias
Address 617 N Walnut St.
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80905
Phone 719-355-9188
Ethnicity Caucasian
Date of Birth October 21, 2008
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 16
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 200
Father/Guardian Name Jon Hurly
Mother/Guardian Name Steph Turco
Do you rent or own your home? Own
Total number of children in family 1
Annual family gross income $83000
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis High School tennis team
Name of primary coach Timothy Nelson
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Playing tennis is important to me because it’s a sport that I have always enjoyed. Throughout my years of playing tennis, I have met a lot of my now best friends, so that makes tennis even more important to me. Another reason tennis is very important to me, is that it is a great way to be active and to get exercise. It is also a great way to clear my mind and relieve stress, especially during school or other busy times. Tennis also boosts my confidence after hitting a great shot.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

I would use the CYTF scholarship money to pay for my registration for the 2025 school year.

Item Vanguard tennis registration
Amount of Funds 200.00
Total Funds 200
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature Zoe Zacharias
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature Steph Turco


Leslie Jimenez

Submission Date/Time February 18, 2025 at 7:24 pm
Cycle March 1
First Name Leslie
Last Name Jimenez
Address 46800 County Road 129
Steamboat Springs, Colorado 80487
Phone 970-825-9980
Ethnicity Latino
Date of Birth July 10, 2008
Age (As of Submission Date/Time) 16
Amount of Financial Aid Requested 1000
Father/Guardian Name Javier Jimenez
Mother/Guardian Name Marisol Jimenez
Do you rent or own your home? Rent
Total number of children in family 2
Annual family gross income 28800
Do children receive assistance from other sources? No
Please explain the assistance
Tell us about your involvement in tennis I do grupo lessons twice a week, private lessons once a week, highschool tennis, and junior tournaments.
Name of primary coach Jason Scicchitano
Tell us why playing tennis is important to you

Playing tennis is important to me because it teaches me many life skills that I learn on court that I can then apply them off court. Some of these skills include respect, responsibility, integrity, honesty, hard work, and overall good sportsmanship. All of these skills are very valuable in tennis but also outside of tennis like in school, at home or at a job.

Share how you would use CYTF scholarship dollars

I would use it for getting new tennis shoes, some of my high school tennis fees, and my private lessons.

Item Tennis shoes, Private lessons, Highschool tennis
Amount of Funds 115, 100, 200
Total Funds 415
File Upload
Player Verification I Verify
Player Signature
Parent/Guardian Verification I Verify
Parent/Guardian Signature


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