Steven Nash Tennis Academy, LLC

Submission Date/Time September 2, 2024 at 7:07 am
Organization Name Steven Nash Tennis Academy, LLC
Program Director Anne Ginnold
Program Name “Become a Tennis Player in a Week!” and Train all Spring and Summer Long!”Clinic
Address 2676 Holly Street
Denver, Colorado 80207
Phone 720-461-7904
Amount of Grant Request 0
Type of Organization Community Based LLC
USTA Organizational Member? Yes
Is your program registered on Net Generation? Yes
Have you received support from the CYTF previously? Yes
During which years did you receive support? 2023, 2024 (Spring/Summer)
Safe Play Certified and Background Checked? Yes
Number of expected program participants 40
Age range of expected program participants
Number of meetings each week 5
% African American 30
% Asian 20
% Caucasian 30
% Latino 20
% Other 20
[2491 show=”field_label”] [2491 clickable=1]
Program Start Date September 16, 2024
Program End Date October 11, 2024
Is more than one session being offered? No
How many weeks in each session?

Inner City Middle and high school students who want to learn competitive tennis and compete on their high school and college teams.


The Afterschool program is promoted to McAuliffe International School Students and other middle school students in Denver Public Schools. Our advertising is posted outside the court, at rec centers, in the McAuliffe school newsletter and on the website. We are listed on the My Spark Denver website. We have a website.

Grant Dollars

This year McAuliffe adopted us for their Fall and Spring After School program and we will be at the courts again in Summer, 2025. Our program is growing and we anticipate 25-40 students will attend for fall. Thus we will need two additional ball machines. We are requesting funding to purchase The Rookie – $615.00 and the Lobster Elite with external battery pack and three ball retrieval tools (tubes, etc.)-$1800. For a total of $2415.00.


We will enroll more participants in Fall than we did last Spring (from 13 players attending in Spring, 2024 to 25+ players attending in Fall, 2024). We will continue to build awareness about Tennis and the SNTA Programs through use of the McAuliffe Courts on Saturday mornings for in-person registration and Monday-Friday during the session.


Funding from the CYTF is providing essential support as we grow the program. The school is providing the courts free of fees for Fall, Spring and Summer. We are partnering with agencies that provide student scholarships to offset fee costs. We will continue to seek grants and fund the program through enrollment and membership fees.

Program Expense Staff
Amount 600
Program Expense Equipment
Amount 2415
Program Expense Court Fees
Amount 800
Program Revenue Fees
Amount 10000
Program Revenue Other Grants
Amount 0
Program Revenue Sponsorship
Amount 0
Program Revenue In-Kind
Amount 800
Program Expense Port O Potty, Advertising, Admin/marketing, Instructors, Insurance
Amount 350, 300, 800, 6000, 500
Program Revenue In Kind-Staff
Amount 600
Total Program Expenses 11765
Total Program Revenue 11400
File Upload
Checkboxes I understand that this is a two-part process. A grant accountability report is required upon completion of the program.
Signature Anne Ginnold
Date September 1, 2024


Skyline High School

Submission Date/Time September 4, 2024 at 11:51 am
Organization Name Skyline High School
Program Director Colleen O’Munneke
Program Name SHS PE
Address 600 E Mountain View Ave
Longmont, Colorado 80504
Phone 720-494-3741
Amount of Grant Request 25
Type of Organization School
USTA Organizational Member? Yes
Is your program registered on Net Generation? Yes
Have you received support from the CYTF previously? No
During which years did you receive support?
Safe Play Certified and Background Checked? Yes
Number of expected program participants 350
Age range of expected program participants
Number of meetings each week 5
% African American 3
% Asian 1
% Caucasian 4
% Latino 90
% Other 3
[2491 show=”field_label”] [2491 clickable=1]
Program Start Date March 3, 2025
Program End Date April 4, 2025
Is more than one session being offered? Yes
How many weeks in each session? 4

I would like to start teaching a Tennis Unit at a Title 1 school for my net and target class.


I will take pictures that will be sent out in the weekly newsletter through the school

Grant Dollars

I’m not sure how much it would cost to get 25-30 racquet’s


Success will be measured by providing students the skills to play tennis through out their life; and maybe start a tennis team here at SHS


This unit will be conducted during Net and Target PE which is held for 4 classes each semester.

Program Expense Staff
Amount 1
Program Expense Equipment
Amount 1
Program Expense Court Fees
Amount 1
Program Revenue Fees
Amount 1
Program Revenue Other Grants
Amount 1
Program Revenue Sponsorship
Amount 1
Program Revenue In-Kind
Amount 1
Program Expense
Program Revenue
Total Program Expenses 3
Total Program Revenue 4
File Upload
Checkboxes I understand that this is a two-part process. A grant accountability report is required upon completion of the program.
Date September 4, 2024


Denver Tennis Park

Submission Date/Time February 6, 2025 at 1:33 pm
Organization Name Denver Tennis Park
Program Director Kelly Winn
Program Name NE / SW Summer Community Camps
Address 1560 S. Franklin St.
Denver, Colorado 80210
Phone 303-913-4641
Amount of Grant Request 3000
Type of Organization 501(c)3 non-profit
USTA Organizational Member? Yes
Is your program registered on Net Generation? Yes
Have you received support from the CYTF previously? Yes
During which years did you receive support? 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Safe Play Certified and Background Checked? Yes
Number of expected program participants 60
Age range of expected program participants
Number of meetings each week 5
% African American 40
% Asian 10
% Caucasian 5
% Latino 40
% Other 5
[2491 show=”field_label”] [2491 clickable=1]
Program Start Date July 7, 2025
Program End Date August 1, 2025
Is more than one session being offered? Yes
How many weeks in each session? 1

NW and SW Denver under served areas for two summer camps, including at Northfield and in the SW Denver area at Lincoln High School.


We will promote both areas to our current SERVES participants and school youth that we have visited. We will have to limit the camp to 30 each.

Grant Dollars

Funds will be used to pay for instructors, on site coordinator, court fees, and daily snacks and drinks for campers.


Success will be measured by registration, attendance, parent feedback and impact on communities


We are awaiting further funding decisions from other Colorado foundations and organizations.

Program Expense Staff
Amount 2400
Program Expense Equipment
Amount 0
Program Expense Court Fees
Amount 500
Program Revenue Fees
Amount 0
Program Revenue Other Grants
Amount 0
Program Revenue Sponsorship
Amount 2000
Program Revenue In-Kind
Amount 0
Program Expense Tshirts
Amount 600
Program Revenue On-site coordinator
Amount 2000
Total Program Expenses 3500
Total Program Revenue 4000
File Upload
Checkboxes I understand that this is a two-part process. A grant accountability report is required upon completion of the program.
Signature Ed Anderson
Date February 6, 2025