CYTF Individual Scholarship Application

Funding Guidelines, Requirements and Deadlines
• Eligible candidates reside in Colorado and are age 18 or under.
• Awards are based on financial need.
• Scholarship applications will be considered confidential.
• The CYTF reserves the right not to consider late or incomplete applications.
• The CYTF reviews scholarship requests twice annually. Deadline dates are below.
• A scholarship accountability report must be submitted by the specified deadline.
• Recipients are expected to maintain high standards of sportsmanship and represent the sport of tennis by maintaining an outstanding reputation in
the community. Failure to maintain this expected behavior level may be cause for a scholarship to be revoked.

Cycle *

Applicant Information

Address *
Ethnicity *
Check all that apply.
Automatically computed according to Birthdate

Family Information

Do you rent or own your home? *
Choose One
Do children receive assistance from other sources? *

Player Profile

(examples: group lessons, private lessons, drill groups, recreational play, tournaments, JTT, high school tennis, etc.)"
If applicable
Indicate the programs/activities in which you participate
Check all that apply

Scholarship Use Narrative

Itemized Use Of Requested Funds

Total Funds Section


You may include up to two letters of recommendation to support your application if you desire.
File Upload

Maximum file size: 67.11MB

Please upload those letters here.


I verify that all information is true and accurate. I understand that this is a two-part process. A scholarship recipient report is required by published deadline.
Player Verification *
Check to verify
Parent/Guardian Verification *
Check to verify
To ensure you are human, this question must be answered correctly for the Submit Button to appear.