CYTF Scholarship Accountability Report Accountability Reports are due no later than August 15, for scholarships funded in March; and February 15, for scholarships awarded in September. Recipient Information First Name * Last Name * Address * Address Address Address City City State AlabamaAlaskaArkansasArizonaCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyoming State Zip Zip Email * Amount of Financial Aid Received * Itemized Use Of Requested Funds Item * Amount of Funds * plus1 Add another item minus1 Remove above item Total Funds Section Total Funds Receipts Upload available receipts File Upload Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 67.11MB Please upload those letters here. GPA * If Applicable If a senior, will you attend college? * Yes No Where will you attend college? * I play tennis because * College scholarship opportunities Competition Family time Fitness/health benefits Friendships Fun OtherOther Check all that apply The life skills/personal attributes I learn from playing tennis * Fairness Respect Time management Focus Responsibility Strong work ethic Overcome challenges Strategic thinking OtherOther Check all that apply Personal story you'd like to share about any of your answers: * Parent Section (to be completed by parent) My child's participation in tennis has made a positive impact on his/her fitness and physical life. * Select oneStrongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree My child's participation in tennis has made a positive impact on his/her academic performance. * Select oneStrongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree Learning the value of dedication, work ethic, time management, focus, etc. My child's participation in tennis has made a positive impact on his/her ability to develop social skills. * Select oneStrongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree My child's participation in tennis has been a factor his/her making healthy/constructive choices. * Select oneStrongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree Include any personal stories that speak to your answers or your child's participation in tennis. * Make any comments about the impact that CYTF support has had on your child. * I give the CYTF permission to use my testimonials and/or the testimonials of my child in CYTF materials. * Yes No Verification I verify that all information is true and accurate. I understand that this is a two-part process. A scholarship recipient report is required by published deadline. Player Verification * I Verify Check to verify Player Signature * signature keyboard Clear Parent/Guardian Verification * I Verify Check to verify Parent/Guardian Signature * signature keyboard Clear What is 4 +2 ? * Select One24681012 To ensure you are human, this question must be answered correctly for the Submit Button to appear. Submit